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 Guild Fame Competition 3

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Dr. Kaii-sensei
Dr. Kaii-sensei

Number of posts : 219
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-02-14

Guild Fame Competition 3 Empty
PostSubject: Guild Fame Competition 3   Guild Fame Competition 3 Icon_minitimeSun May 11, 2008 8:49 pm

In order to proved the incentive to level the guild, we offer you eggs! Get fame for the guild (for details how to do this and an in-depth guide see here) and win prizes. This is how the competition works: The amount of fame of every member of the guild is recorded at the start of the competition, and however much fame they add to this by the end of the competition is used to decide their rank at the end of the competition. Prizes are given out based on the rank. How are the start and ends of the competitions decided? By guild level. The current competition started when the guild made level 3 (550 fame points) and will end when we make level 4 (900 fame points). Prizes for this competition have been announced and are:

1st Prize: Love egg + 7 day xp/drop badge + Pet Hibernation box
2nd Prize: Love egg
3rd Prize: Ruby egg
4th Prize: Sapphire egg
5th Prize: Rock egg
6th Prize: Jade egg
7th, 8th, 9th prizes: Metal egg

9 winners this time and there is still plenty of time until the competition ends! Winners will be announced in this thread, so keep your eyes peeled! Good luck Smile
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