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 Art Competition Rules and Regulations

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Dr. Kaii-sensei
Dr. Kaii-sensei

Number of posts : 219
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-02-14

Art Competition Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: Art Competition Rules and Regulations   Art Competition Rules and Regulations Icon_minitimeSun May 11, 2008 9:53 pm

* One entry per person, per month.
* Number of winners chosen is decided by number of entrants.
* Pictures may be made in any way imaginable; photoshop, paint/paper, cave art, finger painting etc.
* Brief commentary allowed under your picture.
* Pictures must be put in the thread as visible pictures, not links.
* No controversy (including all politics), explicit themes or anything you wouldn't show your little children to be depicted in any picture.
* Entrants can withdraw and replace entries before the end of the competition.
* Entries must be submitted before the afternoon of the last day of the month.

Eraiya is judge.

Prize: 25k for first competition, may change for subsequent competitions!
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